Based on the scope of services provided by Primecare Network & Medical Supplies, the administrator shall develop and implement written policies governing the acceptance of clients and client services. These policies and procedures shall include the following:
- Adequacy and suitability of agency personnel and resources to provide the services required by the client and information on resources available to cover staff absence;
- Reasonable expectation that the client’s need for requested services can be met adequately at home by the agency;
- Adequate physical facilities in the client’s home for their plan of care;
- Availability or absence of family or substitute family member able and willing to participate in the client’s care when necessary to ensure the safety of the client;
- Information on the scope of services provided and the geographic area served with each service;
- Notification to the referral source when one or more needed and requested services (including assessment) cannot be provided to a specific client within a time frame requested by the referral source and established by agency policy;
- Advance notification of at least 48 hours to the client or responsible party when service provision is to be reduced or terminated, except in cases where the client is in agreement with the changes, or there is a danger to a client or staff member, or the physician terminates services; and
- Referral to and coordination with other appropriate agencies when the agency is unable to respond to a request for service promptly or to continue to provide service.
For more information, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.